Saturday, 25 March 2017

The Life Story of a Woman

When an infant girl is born in the house of a couple,
The joy is in excess and the happiness is doubled.
The mother is relieved and the father can’t believe,
And happiness runs like a wind in the house.
From the family of the girl’s to that of the boy’s,
Everyone wants to laugh and rejoice.
The infant grows up to be a beautiful girl,
She’s cute and quiet and her hair has curls.
A hope for her father and a support for her mother,
She’s a simple school going teenager.
Like the corn which grows and ripens,
The girl grows and becomes a youngster.
The time has come when she has to leave and go,
Along with her groom and his family’s row.
She sets in the house soon after her arrival,
Within a year she becomes a doting mother.
Having in her lap, a beautiful child,
She celebrates her first marriage anniversary so nice.
Seeing the child grow is his mother’s delight,
He is the twilight of his mother’s eyes.
Passes his childhood in the lap of his mother,
He is now a little grown youngster.
From a teenager to a dashing youth,
The boy grows in the shade of her kindness.
Along with him, comes in a maid,
And within a year there’s another nascent in her shade.
From a mummy to a granny,
Her time has been spent.
While playing with her grandchildren,
Her time has to end.
She dies leaving her family in her well days,
She goes to heaven married,
And her soul to heaven is thus carried.
Going to heaven with wrinkles and no curls,
Thus ends the life of a cute infant girl.
But today what have we done to women at large?
Torturing them and leaving them behind too far.
Some pairs kill their unborn child,
Or leave their off-springs abandoned behind,
Because a little infant girl is there,
Which is born to them as a child.
The situation is going from bad to worse,
And the day is not far,
When in this world of too many men,
We shall be having,
“A land without women”.

A Guest post by Rishav Raina

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