Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Women's Day Micro-poetry Contest Results

This Women's Day, Poetry Shots with Shon was hosted online with a picture prompt for the poets to weave a 5-lines micro-poetry. The contest witnessed some really interesting imaginative entries.
Each participant had a different story to tell via their poetries, giving me a tough time to decide one winner amongst the splendid participants.
So, kudos to each poet who participated in this contest.

                               The Winner of the contest is

The winning poem is here!

Geethanjali Dilip

The stone seats have waited long,
To melt in her sultry countenance,
 This lady in red, a walking song,
 A parasol shrouding feigned innocence,
 That she holds daintily lest she melt under man-made sunlight.

                 My Favourites amongst the entries:

Debolina  Coomar

A lady in red stole my heart,
 But, she left tearing me apart.
 The next time I met, I was more cautious,
 But, I fell for those dreamy eyes again,
 This time her betrayal was no longer pain.

Kriti Singh

I was craving for the rain,
 And here it's raining heavily,
 I love the feeling when I touched the raindrops,
 Falling in love with rain is not cogency,it's ecstasy,
 A gorgeous and admirable moment of alluring madness.

Harsh Vardhan Samrat

Screened on the red canvas of this umbrella
 Past moments of ecstasy and elation
 Seeing this phenomenal cinema of our love
 Even the lying stones burst into emotions
 But why don't you?

Niwant Salunke

Fallen for the beauty of the beautiful,
 I just forgot about the lion sitting dreadful;
 The black lining on your skirt complements the car,
 The blood red beauty splendid the aura,
 The thing which is missing is a small red fedora

Shama T. Bukhari

From behind closed windows , two old bereaved eyes peep .
 She sees a mermaid in red ,waiting with an umbrella to shield .
 She with a sigh thought of someone, who sailed out of Hudson harbour never to return.
 The Sphinx he pointed is our witness of love , but he never returned .
 She pity the girl who sits and wait daily for someone.

Niveditha Nivi

Polko dots and pointed heels,
 Adorning her pretty skin,
 With Red umbrella spread wide,
 And gracious smile playing on,
 She waited for her handsome's ride.


Redly painted phenomena is me
 with spark on my hands incessantly
My clinquant eyes are dripping for your presence
Nosing your hands for freedom of incense dear
I am red!
Women of today with sheer

Geeta C Yadav

She is a phantom of delight,
 Dressed in red, she knows her might,
 She sits all by herself with a smile,
 Ready to walk down the aisle,
 With Maria; her natural choice.

Fatima Afshan

I wait for you with a spark in my eyes
 holding a red umbrella against the blue sky
 my red dress dazzles the passers by
 But my glittering eyes don't feel shy
 As I fly with you in an imaginary sky.

Tanushree Das

I smelled Your charisma as a child,
 I was seduced by Your frequent accidentally encountered smelling,
 I was longing for starting to be using You,
 I suddenly started submerging into My fantasies when I spelled your name clearly at yesterday,
 And I magnetically tasted You for making You stay with Me for My cravings,Lipstick!

Raminder Kaur Luthra

Nature is my first love
 Which teaches me how To love
 Things I am pondering
 Will startle every human being
 Love rain,love thou nature ,love you my love.

Avinash Kumar Verma

She sits by the fountain,
 Drenched in the red and bold.
 Sunrays peeping through the divine windows,
 Upon this beauty with red umbrella,
 And a smile defining her confidence.

Shon Alley

While passing by the 21st lane,
 I saw a Lion in black
 A lioness drenched in red
 Stilettoes defining her sharpness of sunlight
 Umbrella adding protection instead!

Monika Lambekar

Missing my groom
 Sitting here in a red in this room
 Wishing him to come running to me
 With a bunch or a single red rose
 Proposing me showering his love

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